Adejoro Olumofin
Relationship Blogger & Consultant Adejoro Olumofin has said on social media that the recession has resulted in men wanting to be with women who can pay their bills themselves.
See his post below:
Based on Direct / Indirect observation, Psychometrics, and a poll from the thousands of emails I receive from my readers, “bae” searchers and prospective clients ; it seems like Love in our Generation comes with a price. Do you agree?
Most men today are looking for the following :
1️⃣ A Lady with an above decent paying Job ( at least 200 -250k)
2️⃣ A lady with a foreign passport ( Born in the US or UK)
3️⃣ A lady who has MBA or Msc. Bsc almost doesn’t count anymore
4️⃣ A lady who has a car, some guys don’t want to pay for uber and taxi fair anymore
5️⃣A lady who has her own place and doesn’t cramp his own personal space
6️⃣A lady whose parents have strong connections in Politics or Corporate world
7️⃣ A lady who contributes money to every date, outing, bills payment etc .
Abraham Maslow, a renowned Psychologist in his hierarchy of needs theory stated that without Physiology we can not reach the love and belonging stage. I.e without (food, water, basic needs) we can’t love appropriately. Has Maslow’s theory affected us as Nigerians as a result of the bad economy.
A lot of Nigerian men today are gradually moving towards ladies who have something to bring to the table. You hear things like. ” omo that babe dey drive benz she be wife material o”, ” when I combine my income with the oil & gas babes own my empire go complete”
This being said, the economy is always going to be a strong factor in our lives but let’s try find love amidst these hardships. You can be rich today and be poor tomorrow I.e the economy is a variable but when Love is built on a strong foundation it will be a constant.
It is really sad that income, area you life, family connects, color of your passport now takes front row seats over Personality attributes and traits.
Nigerians react:
fauzychic@missalluring haha
fauzychicITS REALLY A SHAME.. true love doesn’t exist anymore in this country… all for benefits and taking.. it’s well!
_queeni__Sharing responsibilities makes everything easy.#bringsomethingtothetable just contribute but it’s not until a lady start receiving 200k salary tho..just do something to contribute it’s for d best
wils911@missalluring I can’t see where I also said u said u that u won’t assist ur husband. All I did was ask a simple question after giving u a scenario of ur income. simple.
valerie_salvatoreSo those of us that are still hustling will not find husband?!
moberrydivaThe tie tho and why did he pair it with that shirt ??????
_queeni__In another perspective most men are really becoming #golddiggers avoiding responsibilities #stingy #greedy #uncertainty of their own future sef..just run away from that kind of man
missotibebe@gugapparels Can U be clearer? U lost me there..
missalluring@wils911 guy really, I end it here. Wish I understood u better.
queen__flawlyssLike neat facial hair " class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" />
" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /> @naijacutest
missalluring@mylordiswithme yes dear, I know u know. We all were just playing. What do u expect after sweet sunday rice?
derasamalmao..For what Na??! @tobore_maureen
pearlwilcox@veeveelicious y always monitoring @julietndukwe. How are d boys?
_queeni__@weezzy09 #correct #true
pauluzodimmaYouths shld better stop lazying about n focus on entrepreneurship… Human wants are insatiable so if u as a lady or man feels it’s only wen u meet someone whose financially buoyant dats wen u would gv ur consent for relationship/marriage hohoho I
pity4u… It’s better to start small n end big” dan to start big n end small. Most wealthy persons u see today started small. Well, d bible has defined it all ” A virtuous lady builds her home while a foolish lady destroys hers” women today are clamoring for equality before men, I bet u, d only ladies who has d moral justification to talk of equal rights with men are d ones who are useful to dem selves , to der family n d society at large, ladies who has something to contribute! A man can’t b paying all ur bills n yet u open ur mouth to talk of equal rights One major reasons y a lot fail is “Pride” a lady can easily sex different men 4money n yet she can’t humbly go n learn trading, tailoring , hairdressing n order forms of entrepreneurship. Likewise guys dis days, u can afford to b a gold digger but yet u can’t humbly genuinely struggle to earn a living . SHAME ON U PPL LOOKING FOR CHEAP LIFE STYLE….DER IS DIGNITY IN LABOUR
estherwillieSuch evil guys wee not see me in Jesus name
bidexxMtchewww!!! Soro niyen?
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