Kaffy-dance-queen A guy named Michael Omani, a professional dancer has lashed out at Kaffy. In a Facebook video, he said Kaffy treats dancers the same way Davido is doing and that she should stop calling herself the Queen of Dance in Nigeria since she is no different. See video and Read his post below: ‘I disagree with what Kaffy said. If you want to throw shades at anybody, do it without involving dancers because the same thing you said Davido did to you is what you’re doing to us the dancers, and I bet if dancer vote we’ll vote you out that you are wrong. You call dancers for shows, you don’t pay them, you take dancers to Calabar and you leave them there stranded, call dancers to your house and put 50 people in one room and you don’t pay them well, you travel round the world calling yourself queen of dance in Nigeria. A queen takes care of her followers or kingdom, you don’t take care of the dancers here and you are putting us in your beef.’ ‘I agree with Davido, anything Da...
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