Trailer accident
An accident has occurred at Akiode bus stop on the popular Ojodu Berger road, Lagos.
The incident which involved 3 Yahoo boys and a trailer driver took place at about 3:30am on Tuesday.
Speaking with PMnews, a passer-by who gave his name as Charles Flames said ” The trailer driver was on his lane and was trying to dodge the guys with 3 different cars who were allegedly coming from a club on high speed and trying to use the U-turn”.
”Two of the guys had passed successfully except for the last car which was not so lucky as he brushed the trailer driver who in an attempt to avoid head on collision with the car swerved into a building and ended in a gutter while also destroying entrance to the house.
The Yahoo boys hurriedly came down, broke bottles and beat the living day light out of the driver who has been rushed to the hospital by a good samaritan as he had gone into coma immediately Charles said”.
FRSC officials at the scene
Adenusi O, an FRSC official who was on ground alongside his team said ”he had contacted Lagos state emergency management agency (LASEMA) to evacuate the truck as it was causing heavy traffic on the road”.
As at the time of this report a LASEMA response unit (LRU) official who gave his name as Adesina Adebola said ” He has moved the vehicle halfway already but the truck fell head deep into the gutter and he couldn’t bring it out so he has called for reinforcement who arrived through one way while he was still speaking since the traffic was a gridlock.
Although the boys are nowhere to be found, the police has said investigation is ongoing and truth will prevail in no time.
Jennifer Okundia
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