President Muhammadu Buhari
Quote me anywhere, corruption can never be eradicated or reduced in our country until Nigerians say no to cabals, until we say enough is enough. When we say cabals, we mean a small group of people who are involved in secret plans to get political position or power. And when they smuggled themselves there either by election or appointment, they will set rules and regulations that will create room for them to embezzle public funds. They have no respect for constitution, they are lawless. This cabals rules and intimidate those they sponsored to power, they dictate what happens and how it will happen. They also control and influence the people in power on how things should happen. Some of them are not even in government or any political position, yet they order those they helped into power around, and can even remove them from the seat of power anytime.
These cabals are so rich that they can do anything with money. They can influence the judiciary, of course they took part in the appointment of the judges. And because some of them are in the National Assembly coordinating with their colleagues outside the house, they can influence the decisions of the house. They will always change any policy that did not suit their evil plans. These cabals are in the federal, state and local government, choosing who becomes president, governor, chairman, even ministers of the federal republic of Nigeria. They put those they can manipulate in power and in the position of responsibility.
They directly or indirectly choose who becomes EFCC chairman, Inspector general of police, Armed Forces Chiefs and so on, with this they become untouchable. No cabal in Nigeria had ever been arrested for any offence they committed. Fighting corruption in government and in some sectors without first removing the cabals as the Rawlings of Ghana did is a waste of time. I once said that for us to find a real solution to our problem, we must first find the real problem. The problem is the cabals. Their friends and relations can do anything and get away with it, if the police arrest them, it takes only a phone call and they are free again. We hold the cabals responsible for whatever ugly situation Nigerians found themselves today. Stop calling Buhari, call the cabals. President Buhari himself need help, our help in this matter.
You must sign an agreement or swear an oath of loyalty before the cabal will help you. When you hear that a president, governor, minister or even local government chairman is in trouble, or threaten with impeachment, believe me he has stepped on the toes of a cabal. Once you refuse to accept any of their plans, ideas and policy, you are in trouble already and must be removed and replaced by someone who must be loyal to them. Thank God for the wife of our President, Aisha Buhari, who saw and read the hand writing on the wall and cried out aloud but her husband who knows the implication and consequence that will follow, ordered his wife back to the kitchen and bedroom.
Let us stop singing about corruption and do something drastic to eradicate the existence of corruption in our society. To eradicate corruption we must first fight the corrupted people and the corrupted system before we can fight corruption and win. We need to fight corruption with levity and with no respect for criminals. The cabals usher in recession into this country and need to be punished. There is need to fight the cabals in the corridors of power. The cabals in the National Assembly, Federal and State Government, NNPC and other parastatals. The cabals in the armed forces, even the cabals in our markets, that caused inflation in our goods and services. I want to state categorically clear here that President Buhari political and ministerial appointments are full of cabals. Mr. President except you take a drastic measure now, the change will not come, fighting corruption will be a mere lip-service. I am not criticizing you my President but contributing my sincere quota to eradicate corruption in our dear country Nigeria. I love Nigeria, I love Africa, what about you?
Dr. Paul .I. Udensi – 08023113064
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