Mr. President, what we need now are policies that will pull our dear country out of recession. The policies and regulations that will create a good business environment and investment drive. When we do not obey rules and regulations corruption increase. We need transparency and efficiency that will bring fundamental and sustainable changes in our country. And in doing that, we must do away with those politicians who cannot do without public funds. Mr. President, it’s time to look into our banking and insurance sectors. Communication and other industries, private and public sectors, our hospitals, public and private institutions, even traders in the market. We will not forget our oil and gas sector, all need to be sanitized. Mr. President, please open your eyes on the armed forces, where do the money budgeted for security ends, in the pocket of generals or. Mr. President, we cannot change the past but we can change our today for our tomorrow. Please permit me to say that the greatest problem of our dear country Nigeria is not the people, not even corruption but the implementation and enforcement of rules and policies. It is having the wrong people in right places and the influence of the “Big Brother” or rather the Big-guns. So in order to find the real solution, one must first find the real problem.
If we elect or appoint someone to a position of authority just to honor him we will probably pay a high price for it later. So many leaders have subjected their followers to perpetual poverty because of their personal greed. There are so many people in Africa, mostly in Nigeria that was millionaire and billionaire before becoming president, governor etc, yet they embezzled money. Politicians with robust bank account, yet they steal our money. They will siphon all the money meant for developing our country and deposit it in foreign banks. Corruption we know takes place when some people decides to change the structure or the process of society or the behaviour of functionaries in order to produce dishonest and defiled situation.
Mr. President, I know it had not been easy for you fighting corruption, because when you fight corruption, corruption fight you back. I also know that it is not easy but very difficult to eradicate corruption or even ascertain it level in our country because majority of people in government, political leaders, public and private stake-holders, even our armed forces are involved in corrupt practices. Not only that, we have this culture of celebrating successful corrupt people. Our youth even wish to be like them. Mr. President another problem we have in this country is incompetence, professional incompetence. Giving jobs and appointment to people who don’t have the skill or the ability to do the job or the task, just because they are members of the political party in power or been recommended by the big-brothers. And by so doing corruption steps in, they can never implement a change, decisions, policies or reform anything. What we have today is incompetent politicians that don’t even know their priorities. Mr. President, one other way we must succeed in fighting corruption is to look for a way or means of encouraging people to report incidences of corruption to the appropriate authorities, but the reporters must be sure they are saved and protected after reporting the incidence. Above all, every Nigerian must join hands with the fight against corruption and immorality going on in our country. All hands must be on deck if we must overcome corruption. Nigeria lets bury our differences and join hands together to make this nation great one small. I love Nigeria, I love Africa, what about you?
Dr. Paul Ifeanyi Udensi
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