The police on Friday arraigned a middle-aged man, Dominic Abutu, in a Wuse Zone 2 Chief Magistrates’ Court in Abuja for unlawfully detaining a 20-year-old girl for sexual purpose.
Abutu of Karimo, Abuja, was arraigned on a two-count charge of unlawful detention and rape, which he pleaded not guilty.
The Prosecutor, John Simon, said that the matter was reported by Jennifer Buba at the Wuse Police Station on Oct. 20.
Simon said that the complainant received a call from her niece stating that she was held hostage by the defendant at his house.
He said that the victim was staying at Mpape with her Aunt before the defendant got her a job as a housemaid in Maitama.
The prosecutor said that after some days the victim called the defendant and complained that she didn’t like the place she was working.
Simon said that the defendant asked her to come to his house so that he could take her to another house to work.
He said that since then the defendant unlawfully detained the victim against her will to have unlawful sexual intercourse with her.
The prosecutor said the offences contravened sections 273 and 275 of Penal Code.
The defendant, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges.
The Senior Magistrate, Fatima Bukar, granted bail to the defendant in the sum of N200, 000 with a surety in like sum.
Bukar said that the surety must reside within the jurisdiction of the court, and adjourned the matter till Nov. 14 for hearing.
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