German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, welcomes the President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari, for talks at the chancellery in Berlin, Friday, Oct. 14, 2016.
“My friends, can’t a leader get a sense of humour anymore? Mr. President laughed before that statement was made. He was obviously throwing a banter”, Shehu tweeted in reaction to the negative comments that greeted the president’s comment.
““I don’t know which party my wife belongs to, but she belongs to my kitchen and my living room and the other room,” President Buhari was reported to have said at a joint press conference with German Chancellor, Angela Merkel in Berlin.
President Buhari who stood beside Merkel when he made the comment, was reported to have made it amidst a chuckle, a hint that it was a mere sarcastic comment.
“Mr. President respects the place of women in our society. He believes in the abilities of women.
“Politics sometimes should be spiced with humour. Those of us around him know there is never a dull moment with him.
One of Nigeria’s most sensitive office today is headed by a woman, Mrs. Adeosun. This is an evidence of the confidence he reposes on women, ” Garba added.
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