The police on Wednesday arraigned a 42-year-old man, Ogunlade Akim, in a Surulere Chief Magistrates’ Court, Lagos, for allegedly obtaining N85,000 under false pretence from his cousin.
Akim of no fixed address is facing a three-count charge of conspiracy, stealing and obtaining money under false pretext.
The Prosecutor, Sgt. Christopher Okoliko told the court that the accused and others now at large committed the offence at Odo-Olowu Warehouse, Ijesha-Tedo at about 11 a.m. on Feb. 13.
Okoliko said that the accused and others fraudulently obtained N85,000 from the complainant, Akim Lawal, under the pretext of selling an unregistered Volkswagen Golf to him.
He said the offence contravened sections 285, 312 and 409 of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State 2011.
Akim, however, pleaded not guilty to the three-count charges.
The Chief Magistrate, Mrs M.I. Dan-Oni, in her ruling, granted bail to the accused bail in the sum of N200,000 with two sureties in like sum.
Dan-Oni ordered that one of the sureties should be gainfully employed, provided evidence of tax payment and addresses verified.
She adjourned the case till Sept. 29 for hearing.
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