Addressing newsmen after the raid on Thursday, its Director of Enforcement, Mr Augustine Amodu, said the confiscated items included cables, 150 decoders, network boosters, channel splitters and other rebroadcast machines.
Amodu said that the commission embarked on the raid after a series of enlightenment to persuade people against piracy.
“It is unfortunate that in spite of the series of campaigns carried out to warn people against piracy, they chose to pay deaf ears.
“Nigerians must stop illegality and crime, and rather encourage hard work,” the director of enforcement said.
He said that the commission would continue to protect the intellectual property of Nigerians and would discourage people from ripping where they did not sow.
Amodu said that the commission had vowed to continue to raid various black spots where pirates operated in the country.
“Today’s raid in collaboration with security agencies was to ensure that the activities of pirates were brought down in Onitsha and its environs,” he said.
Amodu noted that the clamp down on pirates would be a continuous process until the people keyed into the change mantra of the Federal Government.
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