Donald Trump
“The names on this letter are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is a mess, and we thank them for coming forward so everyone in this country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place,” he said in a statement.
“They are nothing more than the failed Washington elite looking to hold onto their power, and it’s time they are held accountable for their actions.”
Trump said the coalition dismissing his national security positions are many of the same voices guiding Hillary Clinton’s poor foreign policies.
“These insiders – along with Hillary Clinton – are the owners of the disastrous decisions to invade Iraq, allow Americans to die in Benghazi, and they are the ones who allowed the rise of [the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria],” the GOP’s presidential nominee said.
“Yet despite these failures, they think they are entitled to use their favor-trading to land taxpayer-funded government contracts and speaking fees,” Trump added.
“It’s time we put our foot down and declare that their gravy train is over: No longer will Crooked Hillary Clinton and the other disasters in Washington get rich at our expense.”
A group of 50 top Republican national security officials published a letter earlier Monday declaring Trump is unfit for the presidency.
The letter was signed by aides and Cabinet members from past GOP administrations including former Presidents George W. Bush’s and Richard Nixon’s.
“Mr. Trump lacks the character, values and experience to be president,” the letter says. “He weakens U.S. moral authority as the leader of the free world.
“He appears to lack basic knowledge about the belief in U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws and U.S. institutions, including religious tolerance, freedom of the press and an independent judiciary.”
The letter comes as some top Republicans have publicly chosen to support Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, rather than Trump.
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