Its spokesperson, Mr Ebere Amaraizu, said in a statement in Enugu on Tuesday that some members of the syndicate were nabbed following a tip-off on alleged sale of an 18-month-old baby boy for the sum of N300,000.
He said that the suspects included a teenager and mother of the child, who is from Isu Mbaneze in Ohaozara Local Government Area of Ebonyi, and two other women.
“The mother of the child said she had decided to keep the baby born out of wedlock, but her friend convinced her to bring the child to Enugu and that somebody was going to take care of them.
“On arriving in Enugu, she discovered that her friend was a commercial sex worker at Four Corner Junction, Enugu,” the spokesman said.
Amaraizu said that investigations revealed that the third suspect, who eventually sold the baby, was a major player in the business of selling babies to prospective buyers in Uturu and Lokpanta in Abia.
He said that the baby was taken to Imo and sold at N300,000.
“The sum of N200,000 was given to the mother of the child, N50,000 to her friend while a commercial motorcyclist working with the commercial sex worker got N50,000,” he said.
The spokesman said that the eventual buyer of the baby was at large.
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