Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, center right, and Orlando Police Chief John Mina, center left, arrive to a news conference after a fatal shooting at Pulse Orlando nightclub in Orlando, Fla., June 12, 2016.
Police stormed the building, fatally shooting the suspect and rescuing club-goers trapped inside, another 53 people were wounded.
An FBI official said the mass shooting is being investigated as an “act of terrorism.”
The White House issued a statement indicating President Barack Obama has been briefed by his counterterrorism and homeland security advisor and has asked to receive regular updates.
The statement said the president ordered the federal government to provide investigators with “any assistance necessary.” It also said, “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the victims.”
On the gay club’s Facebook page, a post around 2 a.m. gave early indication of the tragedy that was unfolding.
“Everyone get out of pulse,” a page administrator wrote, “and keep running.”
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