Dr Oluranti Adebule, Lagos State deputy governor
In a release on Monday, the Lagos State Examinations Board noted that the test will be conducted in two versions, Computer Based Test (CBT) and Pencil/Paper Test.
Candidates who opted for the CBT will take their examinations at the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Centre, Lagos State Examinations Board, Iyana Ipaja, while those for the Pencil/Paper Test will have their examinations at the 28 designated centres across the State.
It explained further that a total of 10,200 candidates will sit for the examinations of which 54 candidates opted for the Computer Based Test (CBT) while 10,146 candidates are expected to sit for the Pencil Paper Test (PPT) at designated centres nearer to their homes.
Successful candidates will get admission into the State Model Colleges and Upgraded Junior Secondary Schools of choice which have boarding facilities except Vetland Junior Grammar School, Agege which is Day School.
It therefore urged all parents and guardians to prepare their children/wards for the examinations by making available all writing materials such as pencil, eraser, and sharpener and other materials needed for the examinations as well as ensure that their children/wards get to their respective designated centres at 7am before the commencement of the examinations.
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